Organization are exempt from under section 80G(5)(vi) of the income tax act of 1961.

Preventing Female Feticide   arrow

The removal of this practice in Indian society is a serious challenge. It must involve

  • A move away from religious teachings and the advocacy of a scientific, rational and humanist approach.
  • The empowerment of women and a strengthening of women’s rights through campaigning against practices such as dowry and ensuring strict implementation of existing legislation.
  • Ensuring the development of and access to good health care services.
  • Inculcating a strong ethical code of conduct among medical professionals, beginning with their training as undergraduates.
  • Simple methods of complaint registration, accessible to the poorest and most vulnerable women.
  • Wide publicization in the media of the scale and seriousness of the practice. NGOs should take a key role in educating the public on this matter.
  • Regular assessment of indicators of status of women in society, such as sex ratio and female mortality, literacy and economic participation.